Hey all, I finally have a few pictures to show you! This one is of my host family (Mariano, Neky, Mono, Lulu, Marines). I have definitely enjoyed living with them.
Today was the first real day of class. I am taking two lit classes, I might have told you that already...but I'm too lazy to check. There is a LOT of difficult reading. Poetry doesn't agree with me in English.... in Spanish it REALLY doesn't agree with me, but the professor is fun so it is alright. We get to read stuff by Carlos Fuentes (wrote the Death of Artemio Cruz which was AMAZING) and Chronicle of a Death Foretold, which I have read...in English. So that will be fun/challenging/a lot of reading. However, 3 1/2 hrs of ANY class is difficult to manage. Tomorrow I have argentine lit, I don't anticipate liking that class as much.
I currently have a sleeping puppy on my lap, which makes me unspeakably happy. My favorite puppy was taken away yesterday, but this one is much friendlier now that it has no sibblings to fight with. He doesn't leave until July 7th, so I have him for a while!
Ya sorry, a lot of that was a filler so that I could get far enough down to add another picture.
These are the puppies. I still can't upload my own pictures because my computer doesn't read XD cards, but apparently Olympus is very common here, so my host dad is picking one up for me tomorrow.
The puppies were 42 days old when this picture was taken (the day I got here). 3/4 are now gone. The one closest to you was named Billy or gordito because he was pudgy and got pudgier every day. The one next to him was the only girl of the group. She was by far the nicest and my favorite. The next one was Brownie, he left first and looked WAY different from the rest. And finally, the one on his back is the one on my lap. Adorable.
I'm really tired and my throat hurts, so I hope that I'm not getting sick. It is flu season here and my host sister is sick (though not with the flu). Getting sick would be no fun!
Thats all for now...
Much love!
Discovery of the day (I almost forgot): Sweet potato jello (kind of...its thicker, like jigglers....) with cheese on top (yes, it is very common here) is DELICIOUS!
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