Monday, June 23, 2008

Catching up

Oops... I missed the last several days. Let's catch you (you as in, Aunt Wendy, Grandma, Mema etc, not as in "dear diary you have missed so much!) up, shall we?


Hung out all day then went out to a meat party with my host brother. Yes, a meat party. Kind of like a bbq, but it was inside cause it was cold....and they made non bbqish stuff. Then we played cherads (i know, i cant spell....the acting game), which i was unaware still existed. His friends were super nice, but talked at a million miles an hour. One girl spoke fluent English, she was very handy to have around.
Discovery of the day: Playing cherades in a foreign language is amazingly difficult.


Got back super super late w/ my host brother, time here is very strange. Apparently you go OUT at midnight, rather than coming back. As a result, I slept in until 3. I then spent the rest of the day reading. It was not a good book, but incredibly girly so I couldn't put it down.
Discovery of the day: They don't know what scrambled eggs are, they make omelets, nothing else. Everyone was very confused when I mixed up my 'omelet.'


Had tests and they tried to scare us in to being safe. I made it in to the advanced class, which I had doubted that I would do after being so lost at EVERYTHING that was said over the last few days. So, class starts for real tomorrow. After class, we went out to lunch with a student from the school, then I went with Tiffany to buy food/a phone card. Now I am home.
Discovery of the day: Garbage cans here are pretty little wire baskets outside of each house, and garbage is picked up every day.

Sorry to those who are bored of reading the dull details of my life, they are for my dear family who I can't talk to! Love to all, family!

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